
Waiting for bus

This is the first daily photo.Taken at sunset time,when I was waiting for my bus to home.Mainly transportation for most people is still buses.there is hundreds of thousands private cars,but that is a small part to Zhengzhou city with its 5million population in the municipal zone.This woman just went from nearby office,and finally she took the very same bus as I did.

In rush hour,this 8 lane street will be filled of torrent of cars,and last for hours.Especially the morning.Due to the subway's construction,which indeedly impacting and to some extent,intensifying the traffic's problem.But as a solution,expected that the first subway line will relieve the pressure of traffic problem.Boom of cars is a problem,and hard to solve,like other medium scale city in China.Actually my family own car,but almost never run in the urban.

Location of this photo:Mid Songshan Road,Zhongyuan District,Urban Zhengzhou

